Samsung patents flexible display smartwatch, new gesture actions and a 21:9 display


Published 12 Mar 2014


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Samsung Flexible Smartwatch

Samsung patents a lot of technology every year, but three new patents filed by the Korean manufacturer have caught our attention. One of them is pertaining to the company’s implementation of the flexible display smartwatch, while the other relates to a smartphone display with an aspect ratio of 21:9. The third patent is software based and talks about gesture controls.

Speaking of the smartwatch patent, this reveals how Samsung would implement its latest flexible display technology with wrap-around smartwatches. It would allow the display to remain flat and also wrap around your wrist at the same time. Samsung however might have to face manufacturing challenges before it brings this device to the market, as flexible displays in that size are hard to come by at the moment. And since this is only a patent application for now, actual devices might not be available until next year, so don’t hold your breath.

21:9 Aspect Ratio

The second patent speaks of a unique 21:9 aspect ratio smartphone, which could possibly be targeted towards media lovers. Given the widescreen support, the device might only be usable in landscape mode, so it will be interesting to see what comes of this particular patent.

The third patent talks about a new gesture feature including a variation of the popular ‘double tap to wake up’ function. It explains how a user will have to draw a pattern on the display with at least one “intersection” to unlock the phone. In addition to unlocking the display, users can also set the device to open certain apps with a pattern. This is already present on Galaxy Note devices where drawing a pattern on the display can open user determined apps, but for now, that can only be done when the display is on. So this new gesture feature will be a welcome addition on future Samsung products.

Gesture Patent - Samsung

[Source: Patent Bolt via Sam Mobile – 1, 2, 3]