CES 2014: LG unveils the Lifeband Touch fitness tracker and Heart Rate earphones

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 6 Jan 2014


LG has gone ahead and released not one, but two different wearable devices — the Lifeband Touch and Heart Rate Earphones — at its press conference in CES 2014. The former is a fitness tracker that sits on your wrist and connects to your smartphone over Bluetooth 4.0, and had leaked earlier today.

The Lifeband Touch is a fitness tracker that keeps track of how much step you walk during the day and how many calories you’ve burned. Its tiny OLED display can also show your incoming calls and incoming messages making it more of a semi-smart watch. It will come in three different sizes as well.

The Heart Rate earphones are exactly what their name suggests — they track your heart rate and can also pump music to your ears. Like the Lifeband touch, the Heart Rate earphones can connect to any Android device over Bluetooth and transmit all that information to any compatible app.

Both the wearables are expected to land in the US sometime in Spring. The company did not mention anything about the pricing of the devices though.

Update: Both the devices will retail for $179.99 when released.