Leaked screenshot shows off Blinkfeed in Sense 6.0 on HTC M8


Published 7 Feb 2014

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With the launch of the HTC M8 coming closer, the leaks about the device have also started flowing in regularly. After information about the handset’s design, release date and pics leaking, we now get to have our first glimpse at Sense 6.0 on the M8, thanks to @evleaks.

The leaked picture of Sense 6.0 shows off Blinkfeed, one of the highlighted features of the current-gen One, making full use of the transparent status bar and navigation bar APIs introduced by Google in KitKat.

The presence of a navigation bar in the screenshot also confirms the rumors of the M8 ditching the horrendous two-key layout, found on the M7, with on-screen buttons.

HTC has already fixed most of the issues that people had with Blinkfeed in the Sense 5.5 update. So ,it will be interesting to see how the company improves it further under Sense 6.0.

The new fresh coat of paint to Blinkfeed, as shown in the leaked screenshot, definitely gives it a refreshing look compared to Sense 5.5 version. What do you think about the updated Blinkfeed in Sense 6.0? Drop in a comment and let us know!