According to Mobile Magazine, Samsung plans to spend 20 million British pounds to to market the Galaxy S4 when it launches in the UK on April 26th. That translates to $30.5 million. Considering that the UK has a population of just over 62 million people, that’s the equivalent of Samsung giving every man, woman, and child enough money to buy a small bar of chocolate.
How exactly does that $30.5 million figure compare to the Galaxy S III launch last year? I couldn’t find an exact number, but the anonymous source who spoke to Mobile Magazine says the GS4 campaign will be “much, much bigger”.
What type of marketing should you expect to see? Judging by the GS4 presentation, you’re going to be hearing a lot about the device’s features, and not too much about the actual device itself.
And if you’re wondering what exactly makes the GS4 special, check out my guide here.
[Tip of the hat to @BenWood]