Google Testing ‘Triangle’ App in Philippines To Help One Save Mobile Data

BY Chethan Rao

Published 30 Jun 2017

Triangle Philip

Most Google-branded phones, including the Pixel and the Pixel XL, come with built-in data saving features to help users cut down on mobile data. This feature is also found on the Google Chrome desktop browser as well as a handful of smartphones with stock Android. The company is now testing a new app called “Triangle” in the Philippines, which gives users additional control over their data usage by allowing them to restrict data to certain apps and also keep an eye on apps that eat up too much data.

Users can set time intervals for when a particular app can access mobile data. This will help customers save a lot in terms of mobile data as well as money.

It seems like the app has been under testing for quite some time, although Google has remained relatively quiet on the app’s development as well as availability outside the Philippines. This app is coming directly from Google, so we’re hoping to see this app in more regions. It goes without saying that this app will be focused heavily on developing nations where most users rely on prepaid mobile data.

Globe and Smart have tied up with Google to offer some attractive data benefits to the users of Triangle. Customers will be able to download some apps without losing data, and the carriers will also offer free data as rewards. This data can then be used to access any of the user’s existing apps. Triangle also allows customers of these carriers to check their prepaid data balance.

Mobile data and bandwidth is not that hard to come by in the U.S. where unlimited data is immensely popular. However, with Triangle, Google is thinking beyond the conventional markets. Triangle will come in handy in parts of Asia and Europe. One cannot rule out the possibility of the app eventually venturing into the U.S.

[Via TechCrunch]