Google Keep for Android Gets Undo/Redo Feature

BY Chethan Rao

Published 14 Jul 2017

Google Keep

Google Keep is one of the most preferred cross platform note taking apps available out there. However, it was somewhat lacking in terms of a few basic editing features. Google has changed that today by adding a new undo/redo button at the bottom of the app screen.

The feature is visible with Google Keep v3.4.803.02. The Play Store changelog doesn’t mention this particular feature, which leads us to believe that this is a server side update.

As for the functionality, you can undo/redo your text from notes or checklists only when the window is open. Once you exit the note or checklist, the undo/redo function won’t work. Perhaps Google can make some adjustments to bring long term editing options to the app. There’s no word on whether this feature will make its way to the iOS version of Google Keep. But knowing Google, it shouldn’t be long until iOS users see the feature on their devices.

Google Keep Undo Button

Google Keep is only used for quick note taking and setting reminders. If customers want an online tool with extensive editing options, Google Docs is the way to go. It comes with detailed editing history, the ability to add members to edit a document, and much more.

Google has frequently updated Keep to add more features and functionality. Are you seeing the new undo and redo buttons on Google Keep for Android? Let us know below.

[Via 9to5Google]