Google Has Finally Fixed Broken Trusted Places Functionality in Smart Lock with Google Play Services v11


Published 1 Jun 2017

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Google Play services

With Marshmallow, Google debuted the handy Smart lock feature that automatically keeps your phone unlocked in a variety of secure scenarios including when you are in a ‘Trusted Place.’ However, the Trusted Place functionality in Smart Lock has been broken for the better part of this year now, with users complaining that their device got locked even after setting up their location as a trusted place. 

Worse, in some cases, the phone never locked itself even when one moved out of the trusted place which posed a security risk.

Smart Lock

Despite repeated complaints from Android users, Google never got around to officially acknowledging the issue and fixing it…that’s until April. A month later, the company has managed to get its act together and fixed the broken Trusted Place functionality in Smart Lock with the release of Google Play Services v11.

The rollout of the latest version of Play Services was started a few days ago, so it might not have made its way to your device yet. But once it does, be rest assured that you can start using Smart Lock/Trusted Places once again.

[Via Google Product Forums, Android Police]