Google Confirms it Has Suspended Project Ara

BY Evan Selleck

Published 2 Sep 2016

Project Ara

Late yesterday, a report surfaced stating that Google had made the decision to put its modular phone project, Ara, on the shelf.

And now Google has confirmed to VentureBeat that it has, indeed, suspended its plans to launch Project Ara for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, just as was the case with the initial report, the Google representative would not go into detail as to why the company has chosen to go this route. So, as it stands, whatever reason, or reasons, Google had to suspend Project Ara remain a mystery.

Still, it’s possible that another detail of the initial report is accurate: Google may license out the technology to other companies, so we could still see the life of Project Ara surface at some point in the future.

[via VentureBeat]