Samsung’s Galaxy Win started out as a rumor in Vietnam, then the official product page went up on Samsung’s Chinese website, and now a press release has just been published. The specs of the Win, in case you don’t know them already: 4.7 inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixel) display, 5 megapixel camera, 8 GB of storage, quad core 1.2 GHz processor, 2,000 mAh battery.
In other words, the Win is a GS3 for people who can’t afford a GS3, but want to look like they own a GS3. And while before I thought the Win wasn’t going to leave China, it looks like this thing will be available in other countries as well.
Samsung is of course not saying which ones, nor how much the Win is going to cost, but given the fact that the Galaxy Grand can be had for around 400 EUR, it wouldn’t surprise me to see the Win available for somewhere around 350 EUR. That would make it roughly the same price as the 4.3 inch Galaxy S II Plus, which by the way has a better camera.
[Via: The Next Web]