Cyanogen releases one-click ROM installer for Mac owners


Published 15 Jan 2014

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Installing a replacement ROM on an Android phone can be a daunting task, especially if you are not familiar with the tools or the vernacular. One mistake in a critical step, and you could brick your phone. To streamline the installation and safeguard against errors, the team at Cyanogen has been working hard on a one-click installer for its CyanogenMod ROM. Extending its reach beyond Windows users, the team released a version of its one-click installer for OS X. The installer is available as a public beta.The OS X version is meant for Mac owners who have an Android smartphone or tablet. It’s probably a small percentage of users who cross-platform between iOS and OS X, but, regardless, it’s nice to see Cyanogen reaching out to this group. With this installer in hand, these Android-owning Mac users can install CyanogenMod with just a few simple steps.

The installation process is easy enough that novice Android owners can do it. First, users have to turn on USB Debugging mode on their phone. Then, they must connect their phone to their Mac via USB. Lastly, they must run the Cyanogen installer. The installer will do most of the work by communicating with the Android device and installing the software. After a quick restart, CyanogenMod will be now be available on the Android device. Before starting this process, users should check out this list to make sure their device is supported.

Are you a Mac owner with an Android device? Will you check out CyanogenMod now that there is a one-click installer?

[Via Geek]