ong with the Galaxy S8 Galaxy S8 us came a new version of the Gear VR headset shell, but this one doesn’t just vary in shape to hold the wider-screened phones: it also comes with a wireless, one-hed controller, taking cues from ’s Daydream View.
The Gear VR Controller features a clickable, thumb-ready touchpad, along with built-in motion controls a shooter-friendly trigger beneath, enabling new kinds of mobile VR experiences for Samsung’s platform. And thankfully, that means no more reaching to find the touchpad on the headset itself, or holding your arm up for extended play sessions.
Samsung also sells the Gear VR Controller by itself, it works with the previous consumer versions of the headset, as well as phones dating back to the Galaxy S6 models the Galaxy Note 5. Dozens of games apps are now compatible with the Controller, if you’re looking to make the most of it, these are the first 10 experiences you should check out.