Thanksgiving feast slideshow update (DO NOT BSH)


Published 16 Nov 2016

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Give thanks—to apps!
thanksgiving meal lead

anning a Thanksgiving dinner can feel like a giant stress bomb just detonated in the middle of the month. Not only do you need to figure out the menu shop for groceries, but then there’s all of the preparation, seasoning, slicing, timing everything to perfection— dealing with your family, of course. It can be overwhelming. ’ve all been there.

Android apps can’t dice your veggies or stuff the turkey, but they can do a lot of other things to help ensure that your Thanksgiving feast goes as smoothly hassle-free as possible. From planning the menu managing recipes to learning kitchen skills, synchronizing cooking times, getting décor ideas, these apps are sure to make you thankful for your phone this week.

thanksgiving meal cookpad

There’s real comfort in trusting your Thanksgiving menu to the experts, or picking through recipes that have been verified by notable gatekeepers. But what if you want something more adventurous or outside the box? Or what if you put more stock in crowdsourcing your options? ll, that’s where Cookpad can play a role.

Cookpad is a community of amateur chefs foodies who share their home creations— you won’t find the polished, photo-shoot-perfect renditions of meals here. Instead, users post actual snapshots of how their meals turned out so you get a real sense of what’s possible… or probable, at least. st search for a term you’ll get tons of diverse, mouth-watering options. 

Cookpad (Free)

Out of Milk
thanksgiving meal outofmilk

New screens, same text as before.

thanksgiving meal instacart

New screens, same text as before.

thanksgiving meal pinterest

New screens, same text as before.