Samsung’s stock home screen has improved over the years, it can be quite nice on the Note 7 after you’ve made a few adjustments. First foremost, the Flipboard-powered Briefing screen on the far left needs to go. It’s slow not even very good for reading news. To get rid of it, long-press or pinch the home screen, swipe over to the Briefing panel, then toggle the slider above it.
Next, let’s get rid of those unnecessary “squircle” frames around all your app icons. at is this, 2012? Head into the system settings open the Display submenu. Scroll down you’ll see “Icon frames.” Change it to icons only, the squircles are dead.
stly, you should take a long hard look at the app drawer. It defaults to custom organization with folders. It’s probably smarter to get rid of the folders organize by name, which you can do from the overflow menu button in the upper right. Unfortunately, you have to re-order the icons regularly as you install uninstall things.