You paid extra for that curvy screen when you opted for one of the Galaxy S edge models. The Galaxy S7 edge, S6 edge, and S6 edge+. Can all put live content with just one flick away on your screen. Which makes for a great way to check the news, weather, and sports, or fire up a favorite widget.
To get the good stuff, you have to head into Samsung’s Galaxy Apps storefront on your phone, as there’s no web version like with Play. Unfortunately, this means another account update process. But that’s what you have to put up with if you want to get the latest magic. There are several panel-sized apps of varying quality, so we’ve winnowed down the list to the ten best. In fact, there’s more room for innovation here. The quick flick method is a great way to get to something fast. If you see something you love, and we didn’t give it a shout here. Definitely let us know in the comments.