How to Send All Calls From Specific Contacts to Voicemail

Published 9 May 2016

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There’s bound to be that particular person you’d rather not talk to. But blocking their call may not be the best option. It could be a co-worker or family member you’ll want to speak to sooner or later. The best choice, in that case, is just to send their call directly to voicemail. The process is pretty straightforward. First, find the contact you want. You can open your phone’s dialer app or go straight into the contacts to locate that individual. Then, touch the pencil icon or edit button. It will vary on your contacts app interface.
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Sometimes you just need a break from talking to colleagues, even if they are great to work with.
The best choice, in that case, is to send their call directly to voicemail. The process is pretty straightforward. First, find the contact you want. You can open your phone’s dialer app or go straight into the contacts to locate that individual.