Maps may soon help you find out if that nearby hotel has -Fi lets you bring along the pup.
This feature others are hiding in the code of Maps version 9.17. The core of that update was about performance upgrades following the new navigation features that came with version 9.16.
An A teardown shows that may add diesel, midrange, premium prices when searching for gas on Maps. You can already see gas prices for stations listed on Maps, but right now you’re limited to the stard 87 Octane.
th hotels, a new series of icons are at the ready go give you a better idea of what that inn, bed–breakfast, or hotel offers in the way of amenities. Android lice grabbed a batch of the forthcoming images:

Several new icons will help you find out at-a-glance what different lodgings offer.
Similar icons are pretty useful in other travel apps so it could make Maps a more attractive place to scout for a somewhere to stay, especially if it’s a last-second decision.
You can wait for version 9.17 to hit the ay Store, or grab it now from A Mirror.
y this matters: Maps is just as much about helping you find out things to do places to spend the night along with its benchmark navigation capability. ile it does that well, of course includes pretty solid turn-by-turn directions, would like to nudge you to spend more time in Maps as your on-the-town guide instead of Yelp or other competing services.