Nine months after launch, llipop is only on 18 percent of Android devices


Published 4 Aug 2015

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The latest platform distribution numbers reveal a familiar, sad state of affairs about Android fragmentation.

About nine months after the launch of Android llipop, only 18.1 percent of devices that checked in to the ay Store during a seven-day period ending August 3rd were running 5.0 or above. 

roid distribution Android Developers

Android remains as fragmented as ever.

The problem behind the slow pace of device updates was spotlighted with the revelation of the recent Stagefright vulnerability. ile Apple can push out an update to all of its iOS devices at once, ’s hs are tied. So unless your phone’s manufacturer steps up their game issues ’s Stagefright patch, your carrier pushes the update out to you, you’re stuck.

It’s up to smartphone manufacturers to implement updates for their customized versions of Android. Unless it’s unlocked sold directly to you, carriers must approve the updates. This usually comes after they run their own tests, further slowing down the process.

This situation is the result of choices made long ago. en the ione was taking off, offered up Android to phone manufacturers as the perfect marriage of convenience: Samsung, Motorola, others could build smartphones to rival the ione with ’s free software. They were able to customize tweak at will, was happy to get its services out on so many devices.

However, many phone makers carriers have been terrible stewards, adding in junkware, slow cumbersome interfaces, responding far too slowly to Android operating system updates. It didn’t help that Android llipop initially launched with a fleet of bugs to work through. Oftentimes there are problems in compatibility with the hardware chosen by Android device makers, which requires collaboration among the different entities involved. 

The bottom line? Android OS updates are a mess. If you want a phone that’s going to get updated quickly your best bet is a Nexus device. Fortunately, there may be a Nexus 5 Nexus 6 refresh coming this year, so a giant six-inch phone isn’t your only option. Other phone makers that stick close to stock Android sell unlocked phones direct to consumers, circumventing carriers, are a good choice. Motorola Oneus are prominent examples.

If doesn’t figure out a way to dramatically speed up the breadth of Android OS adoption, it is in danger of collapsing into a disjointed security nightmare. st being too big to fail isn’t a solution.