You can finally make your Galaxy S6 ge look the way intended it to—with slick, flat, colorful Material Design.
That’s thanks to developer Samer Zayer, who published a stock Android design to Samsung’s theme store. By the look of the screenshots, your Galaxy S6 could almost pass for a Nexus phone with all those Googly icons animations. To download it, you’ll need to head into the Samsung Theme Store on your device.
Zayer said it’s been a rocky road to make this happen. Samsung nixed his creation at first because some wallpapers icons were copyrighted by , even though the icon pack was under a Creative Commons license.

The theme gives your phone a llipop-inspired look.
l had supposedly been resolved, but then the theme appeared in the “Themes for Men” section, as if Material Design is only for those with a Y chromosome. Android lice spotted it in the at’s New section, though it’s supposedly not live in all countries. Bottom line—be willing to look around a bit to hunt the theme down.
y this matters: The flurry of forum posts about this theme illustrate how it took a third-party developer to deliver what Samsung should have: a stock, pure Android theme. This isn’t the era of Android Donut anymore: Material Design looks good. Android doesn’t need to be hidden by skins or mucked up with bloatware. At least, however, we’ve moved to the point where you have the freedom on such a flagship phone to change up the look without installing a launcher. But it seems that manufacturers still need to listen to enthusiasts a little more closely.