You love your family, but you love your Samsung Galaxy S5 more. though some researchers claim that smartphones make us more socially awkward, I would argue that smartphones are the only things that keep family get-togethers from being awkward. After all, when your drunk uncle starts over-sharing, you can just pretend you got an important text retreat to the bathroom to play Temple Run.
But maybe you’re a little too addicted to your smartphone. Here are 10 things you do during the holidays that *ahem* highlight said addiction.
You plan out your data usage very carefully

You have to, because all of your relatives’ houses are somehow -Fi dead zones.
The first thing you say when you arrive at your parents’ house is…

“ERE CAN I THIS IN?! …Oh, hi Mom.”
You Instagram everything

#ham #holidays #dinner #snow #winter #familytime #imgoingcrazypleasesaveme
You text a bunch of rom contacts…er…’friends’

“OMG MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAY HANUKKAH! I know we haven’t spoken in seven years but I hope your holidays are a blast!”
“Uh…who is this? Happy holidays to you too!”
This happens

en you have a food coma, but you also want to play Angry Birds text your college roommate.
en your little cousin asks you if he can play with your phone

“Uhhh…this game is for adults, ny.”
You spend at least two hours explaining texting to your mom

Explaining technology to your mother is basically a holiday tradition by now.
For some reason, three bathrooms isn’t enough for seven people

You try to use an app for everything

“y are you even looking at a cookbook right now? There’s an app for that! don’t need a real tree…let’s just use this tree app!”
Your mom tries to institute a ‘no phones at the table’ rule

No, Mom. st no. ease.