have a saying around the newsroom that the most exciting tech-centric news usually hits on Friday afternoons. just dropped a Friday afternoon news bomb.
Recode reports that CEO rry ge has transferred leadership of research, search, maps, +, commerce ad products, infrastructure divisions over to Senior Vice esident Sundar chai, formerly head of Android Chrome OS. ge will continue to oversee a number of divisions, including business operations, access energy, Nest, Calico, X, corporate development, legal, finance, business, which includes ad sales. YouTube is not included in the deal because CEO Susan jcicki will continue to run that division somewhat independently.
According to Recode’s sources close to the situation, the move stems from ge’s fear that ’s products will grow less innovative as the company ages. Thus, the move should help create “less of a bottleneck” so that chai can focus his attention fully on making those existing future products turn heads.
y this matters: It may all sound like inside baseball from where you’re sitting, but it’s a critical move for it may mean better products for you in the future. The consolidation of divisions under one leader will help the company unify its business across the board rather than have Android, Chrome, the rest operate as individual entities. Because that’s really frustrating when you’re building an empire.

Android’s new motto is “Be together. Not the same.” Seems to apply to ’s employee restructuring, too.
Android Chrome OS have been somewhat rewired to work together seamlessly, anyway, there’s already been rumors afloat that Chrome OS Android would eventually become one, so it isn’t too farfetched to assume that this is the beginning of it all. at’s unclear, however, is how chai’s promotion will affect some of ’s perennially not-released products, like Glass.
For the most part, it seems that while ’s search related ad business is what’s effectively keeping the engines running, it’s Android, Chrome OS, the strong developer involvement behind that ecosystem that wants to leverage.