’s Senior Vice esident Amit Singhal used his time at the 2013 I/O podium to announce “the end of search as we know it.” ile some of the search enhancements he announced won’t actually mark the end of search, they do point to cool new ways to interact with information.
Anticipation answers

’s knowledge graph technology organizes information by its relationship to other bits of information. plans on kicking its knowledge graph up a notch going forward. According to Singhal, ’s Knowledge Graph now contains more than 750 million entries “as it grows, it becomes more powerful each day.”
For example, when I d the population of l, it anticipated I might want the population of other nearby countries placed the population counts for Germany, Russia, the Ukraine in the sidebar. Additionally, will use the data to create visual graphs with all the comparable data trendlines—somewhat like how lfram pha organizes data.
In addition to the eight languages already featuring the knowledge graphs, Singhal announced that knowledge graphs—along with its predictive technologies—will be brought to lish Turkish, as well as traditional simplified Chinese.
search will also incorporate questions based on past searches or keywords in your emails. Users who opted in for the field study already have their results show up in their searches, but the tech should roll out more widely soon.
Now, the so-called predictive arm of search, also received a boost dnesday with new Cards powerful new Reminder functionality.
Talk to me

already allows for conversational search through Android iOS, as well as on desktops using Chrome. Soon you will be able to search with just voice, across all desktops laptops running the Chrome browser, without even pushing the microphone button that already exists. st utter “OK ” ask your question. Using the anticipatory knowledge graph will give you information based on your vocal search, utilizing “hotwords.”
”OK , show me things to do in Santa Cruz,” a person can say when using the new Conversational Search feature. They get back a list of attractions in the town as well nearby places thinks should be included.
The voice search will also underst real conversational language, so for example, if you just asked for information on “The ite House” then asked how long will it take to get “from here to there,” will underst that it will want to find directions to get you from where you are to The ite House. Very pronoun friendly.
This hs-free search will be coming to Chrome Chrome OS.
dnesday’s search announcement marked another step toward being able to let people use its search technology in as natural a way as possible, “pretty much like you would ask a friend,” Singhal said. thout needing to activate the computer’s microphone, “you can sit back, relax, say, ‘Okay ,’ ask your question, have speak back the answer,” he added.
of News Service contributed to this report.
Updated at 3:35 p.m. with additional comments from Amit Singhal.