Sep 18, 2013
Once upon a time, browsing the internet was a horrible experience. Believe it or not, the best browser out there was Internet Explorer. Then a Norwegian company came out with Opera, and Opera was great,
Sep 13, 2013
Remember when in late August I freaked out about being invited to test the beta version of Twitter for Android? Turns out everyone was. Overreaction aside, there hasn't been any news about the Twitter
Sep 10, 2013
One of the best things about Android is the ability to change just about everything in the operating system, including the keyboard. Personally, I use SwiftKey, and I can't imagine using something else. Now
Sep 7, 2013
At its Unpacked event at IFA on 4th September, Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy Gear and the 2014 edition of the Galaxy Note 10.1. The Note 10.1 is a remarkable improvement
Sep 6, 2013
There is no dearth of keyboard apps on the Play Store, with each of them having their own unique feature and distinct advantage. This is what makes deciding upon a single keyboard for your day-
Sep 3, 2013
Many moons ago, there was a war between instant message clients. Americans used AIM, Europe and Asia used MSN, and some laggards swore an allegiance to ICQ. That same war is being replayed today, but
Aug 30, 2013
One of the main reasons people prefer Android over iOS is the ability to tinker with just about every part of the user experience. Don't like the keyboard Samsung shipped with the Galaxy S4?
Aug 29, 2013
To say I'm a Twitter addict (@WhatTheBit) would be a bit of an understatement. Whenever I have a few seconds to kill, I scroll through my timeline. I imagine that if I was alive
Google's answer to the Android fragmentation "problem" is a simple one. Tear out as many of the Android components out of the core Android experience as possible, and then offer them as upgradeable applications.
Aug 28, 2013
Using a secure lock screen is kind of a necessity nowadays considering the amount of personal data our smartphones contain. The need to protect that data from prying eyes is very important, unless you don'
Aug 24, 2013
With root access on an Android device, comes the benefit of using some extremely powerful apps. One such app is the Note 2 Hidden Settings app for all Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S4 owners
Today, Google sent out an email to third party developers who have an Android developer account on the Play Store, announcing significant changes to its Google Play Developer Program policies. The changes will affect both,
Aug 23, 2013
Every once in a while, I'll send out a tweet saying I'm disappointed with the gaming scene on Android, and a lot of you will scream at me and tell me I'm
Aug 21, 2013
Google has just released a new stable version of Chrome, version 29. For some strange reason, neither my Mac nor my Android phone seem to be aware of the update, but I have a feeling
I'll keep this short: SwiftKey is the best keyboard on Android. Period. Even if you hate buying apps, do me a favor and buy just one, SwiftKey. Today the company has announced that version
Aug 20, 2013
Back at the beginning of July, it leaked on the Internet that Google is working on a major re-design for the YouTube app for Android that will also allow users to put the currently
Aug 18, 2013
With Hangouts, Google is trying to shift to a unified messaging system that is platform and device independent. One of the biggest advantages of Hangouts for me has been the ability to chat with my
Aug 17, 2013
While Ubuntu Touch is still in development stages, its development build provided enough peek into the OS UI and UX for Android users to drool over. If you are drooling over the lock screen of