Apple Executive Explains Why iMessage Is Not Coming to Android

BY Sagar Gandhi

Published 17 Jun 2016

apple eats android

Recent rumours have indicated that iMessages with all its swanky new features was coming to Android. However, to everyone’s disappointment, Apple did not announce iMessage for Android at WWDC.

Now, an Apple executive has revealed to The Verge source that iMessage is going to remain exclusive to Apple devices.

“The best example of this was that it again declined to extend its much-loved and much-used iMessage messaging system to Android, even though Google still seems vulnerable in this area. Apple did announce a clutch of new features for iMessage, like giant emojis, and handwritten texts. And it’s turning the service into a true platform that can host third-party apps like cash transfer services, stickers, photo editing, and restaurant reservation apps. But all of this seemed more about keeping people on Apple hardware than about building the biggest possible services.

When I asked a senior Apple executive why iMessage wasn’t being expanded to other platforms, he gave two answers. First, he said, Apple considers its own user base of 1 billion active devices to provide a large enough data set for any possible AI learning the company is working on. And, second, having a superior messaging platform that only worked on Apple devices would help sales of those devices — the company’s classic (and successful) rationale for years.”

This stance of Apple does have its merits, with an active 1 billion strong user base, there is little need for the company to explore an Android platform so as to improve on functionality or increase offerings for users. The current users also represent a strong pool from which to extrapolate statistics that can help improve their artificial intelligence endeavours.

Do let us know if you are upset about this revelation and if you still wish for iMessages to appear on Android. With enough voices, you never know what can happen!

[Via The Verge]