Android O Feature Highlight: Custom Ringtones and Notification Tones Can Now Be Easily Set

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 9 Apr 2017

Android O

For an OS meant for smartphones and smart devices, Android can surprisingly fail at some very basic tasks. This includes the ability to set a custom ringtone or notification sound which is unnecessarily complex in stock Android.

Instead of simply being able to set any audio file as a ringtone or notification sound, stock Android requires users to place the file in /sdcard/Notifications, /sdcard/Ringtones, and /sdcard/Alarms. While some OEMs have made this process easier with their skins, Google never actually bothered to make such a simple thing easier for users of stock Android.

Thankfully, with Android O, Google is finally making it easier to add custom ringtones. When you open the ringtone picker and scroll to the very bottom of the list, you will find the ‘Add ringtone’ option. Tap on it and you will be able to select any music file as your ringtone — no need to convert it into a specific format, reduce its length, or anything.

Android Ringtone easier

Do note that only the first 30 seconds of the media file will be used as your ringtone irrespective of the length of the file.

You still cannot set ringtones directly from Play Music or any other music player as possible in some other Android devices. Nonetheless, something is better than nothing.

Read: Android O Features: All the New and Hidden Features We’ve Found So Far

[Via Android Police]