At first glance, the app launcher on the Xiaomi Mi 3 is pretty lacklustre compared to what other Android devices offer. Buried deep into the Settings menu though, are a plethora of options to customize and organize the app launcher in Mi 3 and MIUI.
If you are wondering how to organize, add/delete homescreens and change the transition effects, check out the steps below.
How to add/delete homescreens
Step 1: Long press on an empty area on your homescreen and wait for it to zoom out and show you an overview of all the panels you currently have.
Step 2: Keep swiping to the left or right, depending on where you want to add a new panel, and tap the + button when you come across it.
How to move app icons and create folders
Simply long press an icon in the homescreen overview mode and then drag ‘n’ drop it where you’d like it to be. Your phone will also vibrate lightly to indicate that an icon has been selected.
Alternatively, you also select the Move apps option at the bottom and then drop them to your desired position. This way, you can select and move multiple app icons at the same time.
To create folders, simply drop one icon over another and you are done.
How to add widgets
In the homescreen overview mode, tap the Widgets option at the bottom of the screen, which will bring up a list of all the available widgets. Then, drag ‘n’ drop it to wherever you want it to be.
How to change homescreen transitions
To change the homescreen swipe animation, tap the Effects option from the bottom panel in the overview mode and then select your desired transition.
Are you still using the stock launcher on MIUI or have you dumped it for any other launcher from the Play Store? Drop in a comment and let us know.