Android Silver devices coming by February 2015; Nexus 6 unlikely this year


Published 17 May 2014

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Earlier this week, the name Nexus 6 popped up in Google’s Chromium tracker leading many to believe that Google is working on the Nexus 5 successor to be released later this year. However, @evleaks today tweeted that there is no Nexus 6 and bid farewell to the Nexus brand. 

He immediately followed it up with the tweet “Don’t worry, there’s a silver lining to this cloud” and that Android Silver devices are coming by February next year. Reports about Google working on a new high-end Android Silver series of devices to replace its Nexus line-up had leaked last month, and @evleaks tweets today further added credibility to them.

Nexus branding is dead

The Android Silver programme will feature high-end devices from various OEMs running stock Android and provide a new Google-y experience. Google is, apparently, going to setup booths to show off the Silver devices in retail stores like Best Buy and Walmart as well.

It is not yet known if the Nexus programme will be killed altogether or Google will continue releasing Nexus branded tablets. As a Nexus 5 user and Android lover, I cannot wait for to see what Google has in store for us with the Android Silver programme.

[Via Evleaks]