Smash your old phone to get the OnePlus One for just $1


Published 23 Apr 2014

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OnePlus One Smash

The OnePlus One was announced earlier today amidst much hype and expectations. At the same time, the company also revealed the new OnePlus Phone Smash program which will kick off this Friday on the 25th of April. According to this rather bizarre promotion, users will have to “smash” their existing smartphone which will then fetch them the OnePlus One for just $1.

The caveat here is that only the first 100 smashers can do this, so don’t grab the hammers just yet. This seems a tad strange and we feel customers would be more pleased with a trade-in program or something along those lines.

We’re not sure if people will be open to the idea of smashing their phone to receive the new flagship. The company hasn’t mentioned if users will be notified when they can go ahead and smash their old handset or if they will just have to try their luck to be among the first 100. OnePlus currently has a microsite for the new Smash program with a timer counting down to Friday, so we expect to learn more then.

Will you be willing to smash your phone in return for a new OnePlus One? Sound off in the comments below.

[Via OnePlus Smash]