Asus, ZTE, Huawei phones are deemed Daydream-ready


Published 6 Jan 2017


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en launched its Daydream VR headset last year, it included some hefty requirements for hsets to be deemed worthy, including OpenGES 3.2 Vulkan graphics, displays with 3ms or less latency. That left a lot of flagship phones in the cold, but things are already looking up in 2017.

th a flurry of announcements at this year’s CES, has already begun to welcome new members to its exclusive VR club. ong with its own xel phones the Moto Z, has declared four new hsets to be Daydream-ready, meaning they meet the strict dems with “high-resolution displays, ultra-smooth graphics, high-fidelity sensors for precise head tracking.”

The first phone on the list is ZTE’s Axon 7. th a Snapdragon 820 chip a 5.5-inch, 2560×1440 AMOD screen, it has technically been able to support Daydream since its launch back in May. However, since one of ’s requirements is support for Nougat, the hset fell just a bit short. Now that ZTE has announced that a Nougat update will be arriving with weeks, Daydream is coming along with it.

Next up is the ZenFone AR from Asus, a Tango-based hset that puts AR VR side by side for the first time. ile it won’t be available for purchase until the second quarter of 2017, the phone promises to bring an unsurpassed virtual experience, letting you explore virtual worlds open up new areas of exploration in the real one.

Finally, is touting Huawei’s efforts to support Daydream as well. ile the U.S.-bound Mate 9 isn’t included on the list (likely due to its D screen), the Mate 9 o $1,600 rsche Design Mate 9 are. And also touted Huawei’s own Daydeam headset, which is due sometime this year: “It has an adjustable focus so it can be used without eyeglasses, provides a 95-degree field of view. By bringing new headsets onto the Daydream platform, we hope to give consumers even more choice in how they enjoy VR.”

y this matters: ’s Daydream platform is one of the best around, striking a perfect balance between comfort power, with a price low enough to encourage adoption. The more phones that are deemed Daydream ready, the faster the technology will take off, which will bring more apps content into the fold.