Gingerbread is still the worst, has highest crash rate of any version of Android


Published 27 Mar 2014


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It’s the perfect anecdote for why it’s important to update your phone. A recent report found that Android 2.3 Gingerbread—which is about four years old, mind you—has the highest crash rate of any version of Android, at 1.7 percent. That’s double the rate of the latest version of Android, Android 4.4 KitKat, which hovers at around 0.7 percent.

Both Ice Cream Swich lly Bean also boast relatively low crash rates, which bodes well for those with relatively recent phones who are still waiting for updates to KitKat. However, 19 percent of Android users are still on Gingerbread, though a majority have moved on to lly Bean, that’s still an astonishing number of users dealing with a less-than-optimal Android experience. 

The report also adds that rivaling operating systems like Apple’s iOS have crash rates that are just as high as Gingerbread, with iOS 7.1 ranking in at 1.6 percent, iOS 6 netting 2.5 percent.

You can read the rest of the report at Crittercism, though you’ll have to input your credentials to get access to it.