J.K. Shin will continue to head Samsung’s mobile division


Published 1 Dec 2014

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image Samsung logo

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Samsung is internally reorganising its management, and one of the possible scenarios might see the company remove its current mobile division head, J.K. Shin, from its position.

Now, according to Reuters, the big reshuffle is completely, and J.K. Shin and other senior executives in the company have managed to retain their position.

Samsung Group Senior Vice President Lee June reminded reporters that Shin was “a major contributor in Samsung Electronics’ emergence as the top global player in the handsets business” and would be given an opportunity to turn the business around.

Besides J.K. Shin, other top level executives in Samsung, including the head of Samsung’s semiconductor business Kwon Oh-hyun, and consumer electronics head Yoon Boo-keun have also retained their jobs. They were appointed by Lee Kun-hee, Chairman of Samsung, who is currently in hospital because of a heart attack he suffered back in May.

It was only under J.K Shin’s leadership that Samsung became the number one smartphone maker in the world. Therefore, giving the executive another chance under these tough times seems like a correct decision from Samsung.