It’s the little things in life that can really put a smile on your face. Today marks the first time that Instagram pushed an update to add features on Android before its iOS counterpart. Not only does that give Android users (modest) bragging rights, but the updated app also comes with two new tools that are worth trying out.
The first is called Color it allows you to add a bit of a colored tint to your images. The other is called Fade, it quite literally softens the colors makes it appear as if the photo has faded over time. Because your photos aren’t filtered to look vintage enough, hipsters.
The story behind the story: The addition of these two new features seems like a direct response to the increasing popularity of VSCO Cam, which has offered both these tools for quite some time. Instagram will have to continue adding features that let you tweak every nook cranny of a photo if it’s going to compete with other mobile photo editing applications. ed, neither of those apps have the same social networking prowess as Instagram, but they sure are better at photo editing. Oh— they don’t mess up your image quality the way Instagram does on Android, either.
Version 6.19.0 is currently rolling out in the ay Store to an Android device near you. Instagram says it’ll be updated in a few days in the iTunes App Store, too, so be sure to make a big deal of having it first it while you still can.